Modifying Sent Orders

You've already sent an order to a vendor when you realize there's something wrong with it, or you forgot to add an item you need? Here's how you can handle it...

Move Order Back to Draft

Locate the order under Active Orders>>Sent list and click "Move to Draft". This will:

  • Archive Retail Order
    If your account is set to sync POs into your Retail account, then an order was created in your Retail account when the order was sent, so when you move it back to draft the app will archive/cancel that order in Retail.

    Additionally, if any inventory transfers were created in Retail for the order, those too will be cancelled.

  • Move Order to Draft List
    The app will change the order's status from Sent back to Draft, so you'll find it in the Active Orders>>Draft list.

  • Alert Vendor to Cancel Previous Order
    Since you're modifying an order that has already been sent, it's important that you notify your vendor to cancel/discard that order. You'll want to do this as after you move the order back to draft and modify it as needed, you'll then want to send that updated order.

Resend Order After Updating

Be sure you've canceled the original order with your vendor before resending the modified order.

After you've moved an order to draft and made the needed modifications, you'll need to resend the order. You can do this as you would with an original order, using Send Now or Send to Queue. Resending an order uses the same process as sending an order (see the chapter on sending to vendor for full details).